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DISCLAIMER - This is just a listing of different childcare services that we have found via public access. We are not recommending any particular provider. We highly recommend that you contact the provider you are interested in and interview them to make sure they meet your individual needs. Here are some helpful hints.
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Choosing Child Care

Here are a few tips to consider when looking for the right child care provider:

  1. Start Looking Early - Give yourself as much time as possible to find the right choice of childcare for you child. Regardless of the type of childcare you are considering - a childcare center or private home childcare - this is a decision you don't want to be rushed into making. Making calls and visiting various providers can be very time consuming.

  2. Get Some Referrals - Patch Hawaii , a child care resource and referral center (CC&R), is a good place to start - http://www.patchhawaii.org/families/stepsToChildcare.asp. They can provide you with facts about childcare and a list of options in your area. Patch Hawaii also provides information about licensing, accredidation, and financial assistance options. Friends and co-workers may also be a valuable referral resource.

  3. Schedule a Visit - Try to visit the providers you are considering during their normal business hours to evaluate the facilities and watch the provider interact with the other children. This is where you are possibly going to leave your child for much of their current life. Are you comfortable here? Here are a few questions you may want to ask yourself or the provider during your visit:
    1. Facilities: Are they safe? Are there plenty of age-appropriate toys and activities to keep the children interested and entertained?
    2. Is there a daily routine and what does it entail?
    3. What does the food menu look like? How does the provider assemble the children to eat? Does the provider make an effort to keep the children from sharing drink cups and utensils, minimizing the spread of illnesses?
    4. What is the provider's policy on sick children? It's important to know the criteria where your child may be sent home and also what kind of environment your child will be subjected to.
    5. Discipline - what kind of disciplinary measures are used? Are they age-appropriate?
    6. Potty Training - How does the provider assist your child when he/she is ready for potty training?
    7. Does the provider appear to be warm and nurturing to the children. Does the provider show genuine caring for them? A licensed provider does not necessarily equate to a quality caring provider.
    8. What is the provider's plan in case of emergencies? What action does the provider take if one of the children needs immediate medical attention. What about the provider themselves - what happens if they need medical attention or if they get sick?
    9. Vacation schedule - Does the provider have a set vacation schedule or how do let you know when their vacation is coming up. You don't want a surprise phone call that you can't bring your child in because the provider decided to take a last minute vacation.
    10. Who else is around the children during the day?

  4. Make a Choice and Stay Involved - It's important to maintain a dialogue with your childcare provider. Stay informed and involved in how your child is progressing. Try to spend a little time there with your child whenever you can. You should also monitor your child's attitude towards the childcare facility you chose. While it is normal for your child to miss you while you're away, he/she should still be able to have a joyful childcare experience.

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